In this way, IKEA customers are offered a "controlled" experience capable of influencing their decision-making power from systematic and "reasoned" purchases, we move on to impulsive and "emotional" purchases. We also try to stimulate the subconscious by also trying to put the customer in the position of having to feel almost "obliged" to make a purchase, given the time spent and the effort required to navigate through the labyrinth. Another crucial neuromarketing variable is based on the limited number of choices. Many studies have shown that when a customer has too many choice options they tend to get confused and not buy anything.
For this reason, despite the immense proposal, IKEA offers a limited range of colors and variables for each piece. Furthermore, according to Alan Penn , professor at University College London, the illusion of randomness in the arrangement of items within stores is actually seo expater bangladesh ltd carefully researched , to ensure that customers see everything that IKEA has to offer them and encourage them to make impulsive rather than rational purchases. Do you want to delve deeper into these topics? Here you will find some content for you The lessons of consumer psychology and neuromarketing Eye tracking metrics and guidelines for effective communication.

Return to index How to beat the competition according to IKEA IKEA's success is undeniable, but although it has Swedish roots, it is now an extremely globalized company and at the same time a company that is systematically able to establish itself on the market, both local and international. How is it possible? We are approaching this article starting from the belief that there is a lot of psychology and neuromarketing behind the marketing strategy adopted by IKEA, but how is this psychology used in retail? The IKEA Effect is not limited only to the arrangement of objects