Camille Jourdain CamilleJourdain Camille, we no longer present him he is present in all the rankings of influencers and digital marketing experts. Camille is an Influencer Marketing consultant and has an eponymous blog. Camille is naturally part of my selection of French digital marketing experts, both for the quality of her monitoring on Twitter and for her kindness! . Stéphane Torregrosa SquidImpact Stéphane has been registered on Twitter since . Every day, he shares the fruits of his monitoring of digital marketing. He specializes in community management, content marketing and Inbound Marketing. .
Martine Le Jossec Loutro Martine is a consultant and trainer in marketing, communication and Albania WhatsApp Number digital strategy. On Twitter, she regularly shares the fruits of her monitoring and enjoys highlighting the publications of her network via her numerous retweets. When many experts fall into automation, Martine delights with her presence on the network and her interactions. . Aurélie Coudouel AurelieCoudouel Aurélie is the original member of the team who delights us with her haircuts worthy of the greatest footballers. Aurélie describes herself as an endearing community manager who breathes, eats and loves digital marketing. .
Anthony Rochand AnthonyRochand Anthony never stops. He is CEO at Les Experts du Web and Visibiliz and is the founder of Cafés dAnthony, which brings together more and more entrepreneurs in Lyon. On Twitter, he conducts comprehensive monitoring focused on digital marketing, social networks and inbound marketing. . Laurent Bour LaurentBour Laurent is the founder of Journal du CM, an essential blog for understanding digital marketing and progressing. all of quality, and relays information on Twitter about community management, marketing influence and more generally digital marketing. .